From time to time I'll throw out a term that I see constantly used. How would you a) define the term (meaning) and then better explain it so most readers would understand what you want. This could be fun... Advanced Pivot Table

Terminology, phraseology, or just using language
Bah, it's all relative. Language places oneself, and I'm not going to say "Advanced PivotTable" to somebody who doesn't know what a PivotTable is and doesn't need to in order to have the goal of the communication attained. I'll say "advanced
In a slightly more technical conversation, say about PowerPivot in particular, I also say "You know how PivotTables summarize detailed information? PowerPivot combines information from more than one database! I know, that's super-cool, right?!"
Other times I just give some examples, such as "You know how PivotTables summarize detailed information? With a couple of well-placed clicks you can also make charts, count instead of add, see how the totals measure up relative to each other, and slice and dice however you want, as long as it fits this sentence: Total _____ by _____, like total sales volume by customer, or total number of returns by state, or total hours by employee."
I like your explanation Jaime, clear and concise.