I have just reviewed a balance sheet prepared by a company that has capitalized , and continues to capitalize patent expenses, including legal and filing fees, and then amortizes the expense over a fixed term of x years. While this may have the advantage of smoothing the monthly amortization expense, I have not previously seen such treatment. I have always expensed patent expenses as incurred since there can be no garauntee of any specific patent application being granted, nor of any commercial value being achievable from the granting of a specific patent.
What is the general concensus of whether to capitalize or expense?

Capitalization of patent expenses
Capitalizing the legal and filing fees, as well as defense costs is typical if successful. In my previous role, we had a "patent department", and tracked each application, and subsequent award as if it were an individual project, similar to CIP
Thanks for your input. there are onvoiusly at least two ways to deal with these expenses, and I am wondering whether there are any official guidance on this issue. Was your motive the matching of cost and subsequent revenue? Did you amortise over the valid life of the patent, or the expected life of a specific product created from the patent IP?
From the IRS's point of view, my understanding is....you make the call. Both as to whether or not to capitalize, and if so, under what circumstances.
Vince's approach sounds completely appropriate, and relatively easy to administer.
I tend to not like to capitalize legal expenses unless I have to (for example in relation to an investment event). I'd rather take the deduction now. That being said, if you do a lot of patenting, this is an excellent thing to track.