As you progress from an analyst to a manager to a FC to a

Do you use Excel less or more often as you progress in seniority of your position?
I use it more than ever. Just not as intensively.
But realize, for me Excel replaced the ten key long ago. So, even if I'm just checking figures, I'll key them into a to be deleted Excel spreadsheet column. That way, if I find keying errors when things don't foot, I can easily correct them and not have to reenter every item again.
Having said that, I use Excel for simpler things now whereas, in my more analytical days, I was using advanced Excel formulas and such for intensive analysis.
The main reason I continue to use it is its versatility and my familiarity with it. I hate changing passwords let alone software. :-)
Charley Kyd, one of the world's foremost experts on Excel, teaches an Excel
The first is available for instant viewing via on-demand video is titled,
"Leveraging Pivot Charts with Excel Tables to Deliver Interactive Excel Dashboards:"
Also, here's a treasure trove of free excel spreadsheets, free accounting spreadsheets, plus all kinds of other excel resources, such as tests, tutorials and more:
Plus, this free "Excel Shortcuts Cheat Sheet"
Best... Sarah
I am in an environment closer to investment banking due to M&A activity. My excel usage has probably increased just based on the types of things that we are doing. Our lean staff also contributes to me doing more detailed review of spreadsheets.
It seems to me to be about the same level of use now as before. But there is a significant difference that I'd characterize as breath vs. depth. Now I use if for a much broader range of activities (e.g., problem analysis, future project profitability, lease vs. buy decisions, tax planning issues, portfolio analysis, etc.) than some of the traditional
I use Excel more than ever as I have progressed. With leaner and leaner staff levels, it is simply expected.