Earlier this year I started looking for new opportunities within the organization and found a team I really liked working with. The job transfer took quite long -6 months- at the end of which I was approached for a different opportunity also within the organization. While the new opportunity excited me (Business -Banking- Strategy), I had been in conversations for so long with the original role (Finance Strategy) that I did not allow myself to honestly consider it and finally accepted the original role -with a greater operational component- prior getting the final feedback from the new opportunity -more strategic in nature. However, ever since I accepted the Finance Strategy role -and even more since I received positive feedback from the Business Strategy one- I have had this very strong feeling that I have made a mistake. I tried talking to my manager, but focused on the short-comings of the transfer process and concerns with the new role as opposed to honestly sharing my feeling that I had made my mistake. This resulted in getting more support and "benefits" from my new manager, which made mentioning my true feelings more challenging. At this point, one month into the role, I have started looking for jobs externally as a way out of the situation. However, I would rather take the other internal role -while it is still available-. How should I proceed?