We currently use

Import Capabilities for Word
As long as the Excel and Word files are always in the same location, you can link them up fairly easily. If you need to send out the report, print it to PDF and send it out that way.
In Word, go to the Insert tab and insert an Excel table. From inside a cell in that table, you can access your other workbooks and select the appropriate tab and cell.
Let me know if you have any follow-up questions.
You need to investigate how to use the excel/word functionality related to "mail merge". Mail merge with Excel can be used in creative ways to get data into Word. Once the data is in Word, you need to investigate online for a tutorial that will show you how to format the numbers that pop in from the mail merge.
Word was designed as a printing tool, not a word processor, sounds weird, but that is why it is absolutely no good at formatting. But is great at printing structured reports.
When you define the fields of the template in Word, you will have to add some coding to each field by opening the field and formatting the numbers and dates as you would like them to appear. This can be frustrating but you can easily find a tutorial online. I don't remember the one I'm referring to. But I have to look it up every time.
Try googling: Word form field mail merge format code
It's not really VBA, it's more like setting custom formats from the format dialog box on a right click.
Good luck.
Agree with Valerie. Mail merge is actually a simple and easy way to have a template populated with values from a financial report. It can also can be used for email templates and the like.