Knowing that this question has been around for ages, a recent blog-post caught my eye: Starting July 1, 2018, Massachusetts (MA) will be the first state to prohibit interview questions regarding a candidate’s salary history. Disclosure: I receive updates from these folks, but I have NO interest in their operation.

Massachusetts says NO to request for Salary History
I think this is a good move, by why such a long runway to effectively?
I don't understand your question-"by why such a long runway to effectively"?.
Carla, as per the article, the law takes effect July 1, 2018
Oh and btw, California could have had the same law earlier than MA. It was vetoed by the Gov. Cali legislature's second try is now in the Cali Senate.
This should be a law everywhere. Your salary history should make no difference to a prospective employer. More than 40 years ago I was told during an interview that the job paid $X. When it was offered the following week I accepted. I worked at that company for 4 1/2 years and no one ever asked or cared about my previous salary. I have believed since then that this is how things should be done.
I think it's a good idea. My experience has been that the only reason you are asked your salary history is to weed you out--if it appears "too high", they say you are overqualified and question why you would work for a lower salary.
If it appears "too low" they suspect you are not qualified for the work.
Now, if only employers could be required to post the salary range for the job.....