This is a new twist on a tried and true method of scamming businesses and individuals. And its being very successful. http://go.

New bank scam/malware exploit
I just shared with my team as well after reading this yesterday. We also have our IT looking into further safeguards. Scary thought but I'm thankful for articles like this to give us a heads up and what to look for!
Thanks Wayne! I got an email to a personal account a couple of days ago that had the file attachment. For sure, I didn't open it.
Can't imagine anyone would give username, password and token info via a phone call, but it is all a numbers game.
People are still getting caught by the "I was on vacation and lost all my money and am trapped. Please wire me money" scam...
Wasn't it PT Barnum who said a "sucker is born everyday!"?
From what I read, they have the exact script down that the real bank would use when calling. I have two other associates with bank access. I would hope they wouldn't give out that information, however this has become a concern because people are. I think it's always good to revisit security practices often.
Our banking relationship is such that I only receive calls from one of a handful of known people all associated with my account. I only receive a call from an unknown if I am trying to initiate a wire (which we have chosen not to have set up on our online banking system, as it is such a rare occurence).
That said, I recall being at Kmart and one of my staffers came to me crying after she gave out her log on information down to the key questions and they took her through to locate her IP address. She didn't realize it was a scam until she was complaining about the inconvenience to a group of friends at the office. I would like to think I would never do such a thing, but I can think of times I have made silly mistakes that I am very embarrased about.