I've recently joined a company as

Positive Pay
There have been previous threads on Positive Pay...mostly included in wire transfers debit authorization subject threads. The feedback has been mostly positive. It really depends on the CFO's
One thing that I noticed is that i believe "Insufficient Funds" should NOT be the reason given for declining the check/s if in fact it is a positive pay process exception. (Of course unless there is really no funds). "Authorization exception" can be used. I think the optics of funds insufficiency contributed to the negative perception. Another factor would be in the settings of the program when first established/set-up. Someone may have inadvertently placed a checkmark on the "Insufficient Funds" option.
P.S. >> Oh wait, one thing I remembered that MAY (emphasis) affect this are sweep accounts where funds are emptied at end of day...but that is a long shot.
Thanks and I will revisit prior threads.
I've used Positive pay for a few years now, but I've never had anyone be told when trying to cash a check that it's NSF. What may be happening is that there is a cash block on the account rather than a Positive Pay Exception. With the current set of accounts we have, our