I was talking to a client's General Manager yesterday, and he asked, "A month or two (or six) from now, what are we going to look back and think, 'We should have done *that* during the forced down-time of COVID-19 mitigation...'?" What are you taking advantage of, changing, improving, or creating for your business during this time?

Strategic Planning During COVID-19 "Down-time"
We are already tackling the process of streamlining our EE onboarding process: taking a 57-page paper packet and making them all digital forms; we're reviewing our processes to determine where else we can add technology to increase efficiency and reduce paper copies being handled... What else could we be doing that we're missing?
We have been figuring our how to get rid of using lots of random excel files, trying to put that info into Salesforce even if it isn't really sales related. Also working a ton on doing training and building out a training roadmap for the rest of the year.
I've also been working on website planning and content direction for the rest of 2020.
Some of our customers are trying to move their invoices from paper to electronic, as some AR people working from home makes accepting payment complicated from a PCI perspective.