What is Proformative? Why does it exist? Why should I join?

What is ‘Proformative?’
Welcome to Proformative. This website has an extensive history as the place where finance professionals come to ask the tough questions and receive expert answers from your peers.
No matter what stage you are in your career — whether you’re just getting started out at a small public auditing firm, or you’re scaling the mountain on your way to the c-suite or partnership — challenging, nuanced, complicated questions tend to arise. And it is our goal at Proformative to build a community of like-minded finance people where we can simply get out of the way and equip you to connect and help each other through these kinds of questions.
We have big plans in store in the upcoming months for Proformative, but we will always maintain our commitment to building an intimate community to enable you to connect and help your peers grow.
The process is easy. Do you have a question you can’t quite solve? Submit it to us and we will do a quick review and post it to our community. Once someone has responded with a potential answer, we will pair it up to your post and publish both your question and the response.
Please drop a line if you have any feedback for us. Our goal is to serve you, the readers, so you can serve each other.